Center for International Encounters. A Progressive Hub in Jerusalem


The Center for Encounters and Communication (CIE) is a safe space, located in Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish-Arab neighbourhood in Jerusalem. This location reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity. Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels. Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.
Our in-house trainers team offers workshops and alternative city tours on various topics.
We offer at fair prices a venue for co/working, seminars or other events. Two seminarrooms give place up to 30 persons. The garden tent is a pleasant and cool place for events even in summer.
And ... our terrace is known for the stunning view over Jerusalem .
All offers are to be developed individually. Please contact us and send your request. We will be happy to find a suitable offer for your needs.


Various organizations from Jerusalem use our co- working space, and shape a culture of diversity in the CIE.
We offer more than just a place to work in: we are a community where projects are developed through the sharing knowledge, ideas and inspiration.
The CIE is the meeting place for the people who live in our mixed Israeli-Palestinian neighborhood. This space facilitates numerous projects and initiatives for an open society.
One of our regular cooperation is with "Good Neighbors Abu Tor/Al-Thuri", a grassroots volunteer-based project bringing together the residents in the neighborhood.
The CIE offers seminars, workshops and tours for international groups. Together with our Israeli and Palestinian partners, we have developed a "Dual Narrative Tour" through Jerusalem. As part of our social art program, we explore various projects dedicated to the local art and community.
The CIE offers a temporary project space, equipped with a kitchen, WIFI and printer, and can be utilized during activities such as educational trips or youth exchange.
Our pop-up space provides you with the opportunity to premiere a theatre or music production, or make your own exhibition a public event, gathering community, and connecting across bounderies.
Please contact us for further information and send us your requests:
Center for International Encounters (CIE)- Ein Rogel 22 - Jerusalem (Abu Tor)
t: +972-(0)2-673 21 71
f+972-(0)2-673 56 39