The Center for Encounters and Communication (CIE) is a safe space, located in Abu Tor, a mixed Jewish-Arab neighbourhood in Jerusalem.
This location reflects our vision of a peaceful living together and diversity.
Beyond borders and conflict lines this brings together people at regional, national and international levels.
Despite all the challenges our projects are successful, particularly in the areas of intercultural mediation & promoting dialogue and diversity through art and culture.
Our in-house trainers team offers workshops and alternative city tours on various topics.
We offer at fair prices a venue for co/working, seminars or other events.
Two seminarrooms give place up to 30 persons. The garden tent is a pleasant and cool place for events even in summer.
And ... our terrace is known for the stunning
view over Jerusalem .
All offers are to be developed individually. Please
contact us and send your request. We will be happy to find a suitable offer for your needs.